Prime Minister Narendra Modi reached Hyderabad on Saturday on the occasion of Basant Panchami. Here the statue of Prime Minister Vaishnava saint Ramanujacharya Swami dedicated 'Statue of Equality' to the nation. This statue has been installed in the Ramanujacharya temple built at a cost of about 1000 crores.
After the launch, Modi said- Ramanujacharya ji worked to end caste discrimination. Modi recited the verse – neither caste is the reason, Loke Guna Kalyan Hetva means welfare in the world is done not by caste, but by virtues. He said- Ramanujacharya ji built Narayan Mandir on Yadav Giri and gave the message of equality by giving right to worship to the Dalits. Those who fight evil in the society, those who improve the society. They get respect in the society. He worked for those who were discriminated against in the society. Ramanujacharya made many efforts to eradicate untouchability.
Ramanujacharya gave importance to both Sanskrit and Tamil.
Knowledge is attained through Guru. The amount of knowledge I get from 108 gurus, I got by coming to Ramnanujacharya ji. Most of the world's civilizations and philosophies have been either accepted or denied. The sages in India have seen knowledge as rising above denial, corroboration, acceptance and rejection. India is embodying human energy and inspirations through this grand giant statue of Jagadguru Shri Ramanujacharya ji. This statue is a symbol of the knowledge, dispassion and ideals of Ramanujacharya ji. Ramanujacharya gave importance to both Sanskrit and Tamil.
Priests put Tilak on Modi
Prime Minister Modi has reached the 'Yagnasala' located in Shamshabad at 5 pm and has joined the ongoing religious rituals here. The priests have included him in Rudrabhishek by doing his tilak etc. After the religious rituals, he unveiled the 216 feet high statue of 11th century saint and social reformer Ramanujacharya and dedicated it to the country. The Statue of Equality is the second largest statue in the world made of Ashtadhatu. It has been included in the Guinness Book of World Records.